The Swifts in the Community project is made up of groups of volunteers based in the various towns and villages in South Cumbria and North Lancashire.
Currently there are active groups in Arnside, Silverdale, Warton, Carnforth, Yealand, Milnthorpe, Heversham, Burton, Holme, Kendal and Grange.
During the Spring and Summer months of May to August volunteers survey and monitor the nesting swifts in their chosen location, recording which property they are using and which particular parts of the building.
Property owners are encouraged to value the fact that they have swifts nesting in their property, and also to consider them should they be considering modifications or repairs to it.
If the property owner is considering alterations to the building, the information acquired during the survey can be used to advise the property owner how best to achieve this whilst preserving the swifts nest sites.
Survey details are recorded to provide a detailed picture of the state of nesting swifts which can be referenced over several years
The local volunteer groups also to try and encourage the wider community in which they live to take an interest in swifts and their conservation.
Where suitable opportunities present themselves, potential swift nest sites are increased through the erection of swift nest boxes and the encouragement of planners and developers to build provision into new buildings and buildings undergoing redevelopment.